DISC Personality Profiling – High D


As a Licensed DISC Profiler, I’ve used this extensively, not only in my career coaching work but also for personal development with my clients.

But how can you know yourself inside out? You can, of course, take the time to write adjectives about yourself also ask others to describe you too. That’s an interesting thing to do by the way, as people invariably see things in you that you don’t see yourself! You might get some nice surprises!However, there is an easier way. DISC profiling looks at your behavioural style and the assessment can tell you how you behave and perform in the work environment. How fantastic to have such an insight into yourself so when you are at the interview, you can talk confidently about yourself with the back up that the DISC profiling has confirmed these traits. And, it’s fabulous information that you add to your CV! For instance, it can reveal:

  • how you prefer to communicate with others and what’s the best method of communication for you
  • what types of work environments you like and what you need to be motivated and productive
  • how you go about achieving goals and what you need from others around you to support you to reach those goals
  • how you react under stress

So, over the next 4 posts I’m going to highlight the main behavioural traits of the four groups in D – I – S – C and I’m sure you’ll soon be able to recognise your primary trait!

DISC stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. Let’s begin with ‘D’ (Dominance type) here. Is this you? Or do you know people around you that fit this description?

High D’s are very task-driven and outgoing. They are Dominant, Driving, Demanding, Determined, Decisive and Doers. They make dynamic leaders. They have masses of drive and seldom take “no” for an answer. They tend to take a position quickly and stick to it unless they see a better idea or plan. If you work with a ‘D’ you may sometimes have a difficult time knowing what is going on in their minds. They are normally strong willed and independent. Because they are “bottom-line” orientated they can tend to be blunt and to the point in order to achieve their goal. They are not particularly into talking; more into doing. ‘D’ types make great leaders but can have a short fuse and a hot temper. They can often explode over small things, but 10 minutes later have forgotten all about it, whilst the rest of you are still reeling from the outburst! They quite like conflict and can rise to any challenge. When two ‘D’s clash it can be a good spectator sport, waiting to see who will back down. If you have ‘D’s in your team remember that they need control – give them projects – but don’t give them step by step instructions on how to carry it out. Give them the freedom to make their own decisions – they work best when you don’t tie them down. Just tell them what you want and let them get on with it. That way, you’ll get a good job done well.

Recognise yourself? Or someone you work with?

In the next post, I’ll describe the ‘I’ in DISC, which is the Influence type. If you like to talk and love people this could well be you!