Your CV is a crucial document on your career journey and can either boost your potential and your chances or stop you from progressing at all.
I have seen many great people get overlooked for an interview because the CV they submitted doesn’t accurately reflect their skills and talents, or was presented in such a way that it turned the recruiters off.
Even small things like spelling and grammar errors can lose you a chance to get in front of an interviewer these days.
It’s hard to write about yourself without thinking that you are “blowing your own trumpet”. Sometimes it’s hard just to recognise the brilliant work that you do and the skills that you have, because you use them every day and you don’t see them as ‘special’ anymore.
My approach to CV writing is not just to sit at my computer and bash something out. I carefully research the types of roles you are aiming for and the sectors you are looking to join, and I get into the heads of those recruiters and immerse myself in their language and what their values and cultures are. Only then do I start your CV and I write to ‘mirror and match’ the industry you are entering and of course, reflect your wonderful talents!
It’s never just a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach
What’s important from this CV document is that it truly reflects who you are, what you do, and who you have done it for in the past.
It’s a document that is easy to read, brings out the salient points of your career and makes the recruiter excited about the prospect of interviewing you.
As a former HR Manager, I can sit on the ‘other side of the fence’ and understand the psychology behind recruiting. I also know what they look for, and what turns them off.
So, you get the picture that my CV’s are very special and I carefully craft each one! No battery farming here!!
This is what some of my clients think too, and more importantly, the success they have had after I’ve re-written their CV’s.
Your CV got me an interview on the very first job I applied for! I can hardly believe it.
Wow! I’m impressed with what you’ve done with my CV. After seeing this, it made me realise how lacking my attempt was.
I can’t believe it – after months of not getting a single interview, I now have 4 invites to interview this week!
It was an amazing transformation. It was my CV, but totally reflected me in the right way. I could never have written it like that!
Simply amazing.
Your review of my CV was honest and to the point. Just from implementing the actions you gave me in that document, I have totally transformed my CV and it has now got me an interview. Thank you!
I have a simple pricing structure which I’ve tabled below, so you can see how much a new fantastic CV will cost you.
If then you decide not to bother, and carry on doing what you’ve always done, and getting the results you’ve always got, then that’s your choice too.
Can you really afford NOT to do it???
My CV is really awesome! The changes you have made, make a real difference. Social Media Client