Know Your Why

Do you know your why??

Why is such an important question.

For me, it is a ‘driver’ question and has a direct link to whether something will be achieved or not.

The stronger and more thought out your ‘why’, the more compelled you will be to achieve it.  

The ‘why’ part of your goals are the PRIZE; the ultimate achievement – the reason why you set out to do something in the first place.

Simon Sinek’s excellent TEDTalk called ‘Start with Why’ neatly explains how Apple rose to be the global giant it is today.  They knew what their ‘why’ was, totally believe in the vision and it drove them down the road to success.

The next time you are thinking you’d like to achieve something, I’d like you to spend x10 more time on your ‘why’ than your ‘how’.  Once you’ve seen the vision, know why it’s important to you, you are more likely to achieve it.  Can you hear, taste, feel and see how good it will be when you get there?  Notice all those senses. Visualise yourself reaching that goal – then that will be your driver.

Next, list all the reasons why it’s important to you and don’t stop listing when you think you’ve come to the end of your ideas.  Have a short break and then ask yourself to list another 10 more why’s.

And if you are working within a team, ensure the whole team buy-in to the ‘why’ too. Simon Sinek explains that beautifully in his TEDTalk

Otherwise, guess what?  They will not be as committed and that dream/goal will not be realised.

So don’t let those goals/dreams get away – make sure you know your WHY and let it drive you forward. 

Have fun!

Don’t Set New Year Resolutions – Choose a Word!

By now, you may have already set your NY resolutions and broken them. Everyone I have spoken to have broken theirs.

But there’s a much simpler method that I invite you to try.

Pick a word that you can live and play by, throughout the year. A word that has meaning for you and you can apply it to all aspects of your life.

I’ve picked mine. It is REDUCE!

This year I’m clearing clutter, simplifying my social media, reducing the number of newsletters I subscribe to, reducing my weight, reducing the number of books I have, giving more away to charity for others to enjoy and generally paring everything down.

I invite you to join me too, and if you want to share your word with me, I’ll be your ‘accountability’ buddy by checking in with you quarterly to see how you are getting on.

Over to you!

Kick-Start Your 2018!

We are now into the first few weeks of the year, and it’s often a time of reflection and planning.  Reflecting on what was great (and not so great) about last year, and planning what to do differently this year.

Rather than doing the same old ‘New Year resolutions’ exercise – which we know you’ll abandon in 2 weeks time – why not spend 15 minutes with this great exercise that will turbocharge you to achieve more in your life.  It’s based on what you want to BE, DO, and HAVE in your life, and I’ve used it for the past 11 years and have loved it!

I’ve put it all together in this easy download, which includes full instructions. Within 5 minutes you’ll be creating your perfect future!

And the best thing – it’s a free gift from me to you. No signup required.  Just download and start …

Happy New Year!

Kickstart 2016 – To Be, Do and Have – The Career Doctor